Exhibit Sponsors

Amaze is a leading autism organisation driving change so that Autistic people and their families can live their best lives.

Amaze builds autism understanding in the community, influences policy change for Autistic people and their families/supporters, and provides independent, credible information and resources to individuals, families, professionals, government and the wider community.

At Amaze, we offer a range of solutions to support Autistic people and their families at all life stages including Autism Connect, Australia’s national autism hotline, and the A-Plus Program, who helps organisations build the skills and confidence of managers, HR professionals, and all employees to support Autistic experiences at work.

Curtin Autism Research Group is one of the largest cross faculty research groups at Curtin University, and includes academics, clinicians, student’s lay-persons and people living with autism.

This group is led by Prof Sonya Girdler, who leads research of global significance focused on participation, the school years and transitioning from school, employment, peer mentoring, social skills training, strengths-based approaches, mental health and supports for families.

CARG’s research is conducted in partnership with government departments and local organisations including Spectrum Space, Kiind and Autism Association of WA. CARG is also a partner of Autism CRC. Internationally, CARG collaborates closely with Karolinska Institute in Sweden, one of the world’s leading medical universities.

Research undertaken by CARG has had a profound impact on the autistic community, with its researchers receiving numerous prestigious national and international awards for their contributions including the Quacquarelli Symonds (SQ) Reimagine Education Gold Access, Diversity and Inclusion Award (2023), the Triple E Awards 2023 – Community Engagement Initiative of the Year, and the joint winner of 2022 Premier’s Science Awards for Engagement Initiative.

The Kidd Clinic is a trusted, neurodiversity affirming and trauma-informed psychology and allied health bi-coastal practice (North Perth, Fremantle and Melbourne). We are an inclusive, progressive, and research-based service drawing upon lived and clinical experience to provide tailored assessment and mental health services for Autistic individuals across all life stages. We value working within systems, strengthening families, improving neurodivergent relationships and advocating for educational, employment and mental health needs.

In addition, we are known internationally for training educators, allied health professionals, employers and parents in Autism, ADHD, PDA and mental health difficulties.

Our clinics provide safe, sensory-neutral spaces based on collaborative care, trust, and mutual respect. Services include:

– Assessment: Comprehensive Autism, ADHD, cognitive, and psychoeducational assessments.
– Counselling/ Therapy: Psychology, Art Therapy, and Occupational Therapy.
– Group Programs: Autistic women’s group, MAPS parent programs, DnD for anxiety, Motherhood art therapy program, Gender Diverse groups, and school holiday social connection programs (e.g., Swifties, Slime Time, Siblings, Minecraft, Craft and Calm).
– Short-Term Support: Post-diagnostic sessions for Autistic/ADHD identity exploration, Moving out of home, CPS Implementation, and Parenting for PDA.
– Training and Events: Webinars, professional development (e.g., PDA, Autism and Anxiety, Transition to Adulthood, ADHD) and Collaborative and Proactive Solutions with Dr Ross Greene.

Kiind is a family-led, independent peer support organisation with almost 40 years of operation.

We support 6,600 plus families in Western Australia who are caring for children with disability, developmental delay, autism, genetic, rare, undiagnosed and/or chronic conditions.

Our experienced Peer Navigators assist families with systems, service, and support navigation. We have a range of information to help with this, and we also connect families to one another.