Exhibit Sponsors
Amaze is a leading autism organisation driving change so that Autistic people and their families can live their best lives.
Amaze builds autism understanding in the community, influences policy change for Autistic people and their families/supporters, and provides independent, credible information and resources to individuals, families, professionals, government and the wider community.
Curtin Autism Research Group is one of the largest cross faculty research groups at Curtin University, and includes academics, clinicians, student’s lay-persons and people living with autism.
This group is led by Prof Sonya Girdler, who leads research of global significance focused on participation, the school years and transitioning from school, employment, peer mentoring, social skills training, strengths-based approaches, mental health and supports for families.
The Kidd Clinic is a trusted, neurodiversity affirming and trauma-informed psychology and allied health bi-coastal practice (North Perth, Fremantle and Melbourne). We are an inclusive, progressive, and research-based service drawing upon lived and clinical experience to provide tailored assessment and mental health services for Autistic individuals across all life stages. We value working within systems, strengthening families, improving neurodivergent relationships and advocating for educational, employment and mental health needs.